Saturday, May 13, 2017

Is Whistle Blower Ethical and Desire Saving.  

I know whistle blowers endanger this country and I feel it's a plot to over though our technology. Over the years we have as Americans enjoyed the safeness of privacy. Well if you feel it has been compromised then your are part of a few Americans. Information is gather and obtain in the name of security of this country. But some has taken upon themselves to change the way we gather information. In reason articles I have suggest that people with disgruntle feeling make their pay back on society. Well we look  at what does it take to truly accept a whistle blower. I am in the field of Chelsea Mandy and Eric Snow den. While working for this government they made a stands on emotional feelings that made them turn over secrets to expose what they do. What's my feeling on this subject about States information being handed to Wiki-leak? I'm not happy because if you ever served in the military, yes! they do things in the line of duty to protect this country.  The same County that surveillance as are police. Since the design of Home Land Security we have been under constant active surveillance to prevent terrorism. I am safe under the Patriot if these secrets are being given out what's to stop terrorism. 

What is a Whistle Blower?

I consider whistle blower like the Mayor of Michigan who told the people that the water is cover in lead and it's not drinkable. The EPA knew it and brought bottle water for themselves and didn't tell the people. Job's are on the line but the people can make their decision to stay and make a political   effort to correct the bad management in the community. Safety in numbers I say, I can never take sides against my Country endangering people of their military duty. Telling the NSA secrets to surveillance in the U.S is concerning and it's a fact. So should Snowden be charge with treason? My concerns is if you did the case why not stand to that fact? One should not have travel to Russia to evade capture for the government that one just gave all the records and information to  an foreign paper. That's my argument to whistle blowing stand your grounds and if it holds people are behind you. This information subject our Country to be compromised to Botnet methods in my feelings. 

What is the back lash of these Whistle blowing?

These action was a result in a media fringe the government have to redevelop their big brother surveillance system. The NSA have to be restructure in order to compete in the technology world. It is a matter of reading the Wiki leak article to gather the information designing our infrastructure system. Technology does have a roof, it is only so far you can push technology before it is repetitive. With this information soundly turn over I would say our system is compromised. Our international prisons took a big hit by international polices. It revealed soldiers that can be in harms way. So a few years is punishable to Mandy. I applaud Karen Weaver the Mayor, of Flint and she should be supported. Whistle blower is a action taken by a person with aggression and should be subject in a court for review because of Snowden our NSA was revamped and things were changed. But for how long that's should be a stands that Snowden so he should  have stood for and not left the Country. 

Word Cited

Karen, Weaver, Website, NPR, The Two Way, May 12, 2017 Internet base.    

Ransom Virus Strikes Four Continents 

Ransoms virus strikes Russia, Europe, China, India and each ransom is asking for $20,000 are lose your data. This is the market of cyber crime that is being carry out today. Ransoming one computer, locking you out of one's computer for personal gain. This is affecting are market and is changing the safety of our technology. A hero saved the day and found how to break the locked computers and free them up. This is technology and that is what it is about. Using the net to help each other with finding the name of the virus it can be added to the ant-virus program and stopped. Software at your serves. This is happening often then the publics is being let on to. A hospital in Wilshire  Blvd California was virus attacked and ransom $600.00 to free up their computers. The hospital was shut down for 4 hours until their re-boot technique could re-engage. All systems data was lost from the server and record un-replaceable. This virus today didn't only attacked industries and personal computers. They asked for more money being aggressive. 

How does this happen?

One might ask how does this happen to me? Well mostly from information stolen from a server. A person working at a company being disgruntle wanting to have that big pay back. So victims shouldn't fill bad because they got hack. It's not their era most of the time. I learning the computer arts, we have the theory of learning the  proper technique in computer technology. The market for security analysis is great and abundant. The technology for network safety is greater than ever right now. Buying security programs is  ran pit a must if your working with internet web usage.

Why do they do it.

Like I mention earlier people are looking for a pay back, they used what is being taught and go corrupt. Network systems are design to have information travel through a stream of binary code. This is received in a port that take the information and reproduce it on your computer. This is networking but to take control and lock you computer is adding their virus to lock you out. Some person and his security team found the key element in this theory and help a lot of people. His technique wasn't sold he just help the people in trouble with this ransom ware. But I do see a trend on the market with this ransom ware piracy.  Until we hold these type of crimes punishable their is not going to be many stops. The justice department is going to have to make available serves to protect individual people as well as corporations. 

Compare to the Trojan horse virus this virus is more deadly. The greed of extortion money out of people is criminal and is punishable.  It takes control of servers and locks them making the demand for money to free up your system. Crimes like this is coming more and more ran pit around the globe and I fill it can drive up the international market economy.  We should protect are rights by creating standards the protect are computer networks from pirates and safe keep personal information. And punish the people who create and use this method of crime. 

2nd Review the Recent Technology of the Botnet

Briefing News What is Botnet? 

Well lets try to explain the best that I could. Botnet is a series of web pages that are meant to prevent you from the actual page that one is trying to get too. The botnet was develop for the soul purpose of prevent Hilary Clinton from winning any campaign contributors. This virus served it's purpose because it help people get false information and it was actually real news. Most people think of virus as information being extracted from people computer. Not this virus it is a hub setup to news change directly to people surfing the Web internet. This botnet is not only targeted to the United States of America, just recently the people of France was target in their election. The expert that trace this sabotage concluded that a few members on visa living in America was responsible for the attack. 

 Were are we going with this?

This series of war technology is it dangerous? I would say so, because copycat can reproduce this Technic and alter election or events.  I can say no one was hurt physically but the information is damaging and false. This type of cyber war is less expensive then guns and bombs and a lot more diabolical. With other virus out there is this something that can be prevented? Wow? I really can't say, we look at news to be trusty and persist. So for now look for more way's to gather your news. Check more sources for information. The main way of prevention is the sources. Experts have found that Russia is behind the cause of botnet. It is a government effort in creating this tangle-able dilemma. The news that is being provided is misleading but it plays are perception.  

Is The Internet Safe?

One might have more question then answers but information is cautious and deadly to the point. 
I recall in the seventy yes I'm that old. Books and Magazine were being printed with false information. A well know magazine the Enquirer, came on the market and the lies that came out then was worth a few buck to read. People ate this up because people wanted to believe stories that "Elvis" is alive are" America covered up Aliens."This is the same principal that we are at with electronic news media, and if you get more people believing you get a media stream. The thing about Botnet the source follow up with the new media and answer  question. The Bureau of Investigation made these designer be extradite out of the country. Like I said it's a cheap way of war and it is affordable. No one was hurt physically   but the mental affect change the way are election campaign was run. Congress is still putting together the aftermath of Botnet and Donald Trump may have elected to promote Cyber Security. The internet is not the safest place to surf now a days. Once one put their information out there its for the market to review. I recall a virus that when you login that web page it could get the personal username and address of one computer. So we lived through that and this to is going to be tough to muster. I can say use websites that are familiar to you. Bring yourself to challenge the news and ask questions. Because a lot of this news is just falsified, I live in the career field of advertisement and what was the important in the market is actuary. Today values has sources that promote fake news and its being accepted in the market as a informational company source. If we want to protect the argument of free speech then I fill the information should be real. We are not even talking about third source information I am mention it's just lies being promoted. Well my argument about the botnet is this source here to stay are can we let are internet privacy be overtaken by third world media sources. Which brings me back to protocol's for the internet and the privacy we all take for granted when the net is being used. Today market and investment can become a danger in the world of cyber danger and public official being targeted. Protection of speech and information is needed.        

Research and Information 
Your Medical Records. 

During the introduction of the Affordable Care Act the industry medical field has taken a new approach to the Research and information of people records. The state of emergency has arise, if you value personal privacy. Innovation has store personal information on terminal servers built into the mainstream of the internet super highway. Let's look at the qualification of working with medical recorders. One student majored in Medical coding and received the highest award into the field. This degree covered the training in 2 years to qualified to personal records. Is personal Medical Coding considered a medical training degree are Technology degrees?  Under research one is only to complete the degree to be able into the medical field. No such medical field testing is required.

Were is this research going?

The market of innovation has profit in the field and comparison with medical records. The industry has invested in the standard of medical records and information serves. As I mention records are stored on terminals with clients records. These records are design to be on the cloud system, were each patient data can be gather be access by professional administration.  Weather we like the system of are information traveling on the internet are not this is the way of the medical field. If you have a personal PC you can sign up for medical records to be store on the Web. The field is booming in the ideal. it is the research of speedy serves and professional care. Doctors who serves a patient can make diagnose from other M.D. and see any and all changes in one patient.  

Is this medical research Safe.

Is medical record safe? And is there anything we can do to protect are selves. Let's say I have been in the computer field for 4 years constant learning on the subject of Information technology so I can say I am a expert in the field. The degree just reinforce what the class of 2014 CIS specialist received. As long as we have standards in this department we are safe. Once that is taken away we a subject to piracy. Standard is my strong point because what are protocol but rules design by institution of sciences.  People always don't believe in standards? And that leaves them in the field of fear. Fear plays a big part in changes and the field of sciences. I know because sign up of the new medical transition is difficult and non-personal. In making a person field better we can only take on step at a time. Technology has only research G8 stage in the phones serves. so we can expect develop and change to be consistent in the medical coding era.

What is the benefit of this Technology?

You know when a family member was expecting to deliver a baby and you had to call the hospital while in route. Will those time's has changed. We live in the world to information technology, and in a instant information can be sent clear across the world. We now sit in emergency rooms and a monitor is place on the body telling the doctor all your vitals within that instant. So yes, I am please with the technology advance. Medical coding is the transition to the future of records being delivered and responsive for the well being of people. Example the fit bit is the ware that help people count steps and monitor heart rate. These are everyday tech that is adapted into social environment.
Medical benefits are being developed a the production of this technology are making people live longer and say healthier. You may be cautious of this tech but WiFi is the most acceptable lobby room serves that people are using in the waiting room. So let's accepted the change a live longer.