Thursday, April 13, 2023

Homeopathic Holistic Theory.

 Kip Magee

Week 10 Discussion

Video Homeopathy


1.     What are some expectations or misconceptions people have when going to see a homeopath?

People who sought homeopathic medicine thought they would be prescribed dosages of herbal medicine or vitamins. But what they are given is extreme medicine in small dosages, this medicine was for the treatment of the whole well-ness of the person body, for the treatment of the organism.

2.  What lead Hahnemann to study and develop homeopathy? How were his studies viewed by his contemporaries?

When developed in 1894 his peers thought that it was a radical ideal and heresy. But Hahnemann was dissatisfied with the medical treatment of his patient in modern medicine. Branch out to experiment with herbal medicine but in small dosages of natural substances. To minimize the side effects from his prescribed medication, Hahnemann’s medicine had to be diluted with water, vinegar, or salt. This made the trail medicine less dangerous with his toxin less potent. 

Hahnemann made the medicine less potent by vigorously shaking the medicine calling this succussion. He believed the more the remedy was diluted the more it would cure.

3.  What is the theory of 'like cures like?' How does it work?  What do you think of this idea?

Like cures like is what Hahnemann called the Law of Similar. What Hahnemann derives is to reproduce the symptoms of a disease using the dosage of a herbal bark’s. He concluded that what trigger ailment in a healthy person could be cured by a person being afflicted with a diseased. Like Cures Like is what Hahnemann called by deriving that the body will tell you what it needs to cure it. If a person has allergies; a red onion will re-enact the effect of the allergy and trigger the symptoms of the disease. This “proves,” theory made Hahnemann says the body heals itself in homeopathy believes.

4.  What is the vital force?  How does it relate to healing?

Homeopathic belief that vital force is the primary operation system of the organism. It provides a life climate with the body preserving its state of being with a healthy balance with its environment. It compensates for well-being balance for a physical mental and emotional stress to the organism. Homeopathy treatment is directed to the root cause of the illness that has weakened the individual. 


5.  What is succussion or dilution?  How do homeopathic remedies work?  What do critics of homeopathy say?

. By administering minute dose of a special substance. Producing the same characteristic symptom as in a sick person. Homeopathy’s seeks to stimulate the patients vitality and return them to a natural state of health. Critics of homeopathy say that the medicine is just water down sugar pills.


6.  How are homeopathic remedies different from conventional medication? 

Homeopathic treatment of the direct cause of the organism disease for the root cause of the illness. It keeps their immune system and their natural recuperative abilities intact. Whereas conventional medicine fights the disease itself.

7.  How do homeopathic doctors assess and evaluate patients? How is this different from conventional doctors? What kinds of questions do they ask?

Researchers work to unravel the mystery of organization and prove the efficacy of modern homeopathic medicine. Contain only trace element s of the base ingredients. These remedies contain a kind of energetic memory of their base ingredients that has one dynamic effect in triggering the body’s innate healing mechanism. The difference is the over the counter prescription means to suppress the disease.

8.  What are 4 possible outcomes of treatment?

To stimulate the organism will vitally force and restore the body to a state of health. This is used with sinus, cough, hay fever flu migraine. People are looking for alternative medicines that have less toxicity.

A. The Patient is cured, and no remedy is needed.

B. There is no change in the patient and indicate that the remedy was not homeopathic to the case.

C. The symptoms change, and the patient improves some requiring a second prescription.

D. Symptoms worsen and a corrective remedy is called for.


9.  Can you treat yourself with homeopathic remedies, or should you always go to a homeopathic doctor?

Homeopathic can be used for simple minor first aid or non-acute medical conditions. If it’s very serious then the host should go to a professional practitioner. 


10.  What sources are remedies made from?

Remedies from the 2,000 or so botanical world. And many mineral remedies elements from the periodic table. Salt natrum muriaticum sodium chloride.

11.  What factors account for the rise in homeopathic use?

Its methodical approach to the treatment of illness fell. Medical beginning to understand the limitation of antibiotic therapy to over prescribe and patients developing immunities to medication are looking for a different way to heal.

12.  Why might homeopathy be especially useful for children? For the elderly?

While conventional way is used homeopathic is looking for something less toxic in the Western way. Learning to fight infection early in the life of the patients’ immune system an develop antibody’s ability to fight against illness.

13.  How are homeopathic remedies regulated?

Homeopathy is regulated as a drug like any OTC prescription convention Western Medicine, since the 1938 Food and Drug Act regulated a bill to maintain the field of medicine.




Hahnemann’s “Law of Similar,” is taking bark of toxins or herbal and turning them into medicine. To describe the method is using ‘succussion’ to shake the special herbals breaking the compound down to minute traces of toxin. Using himself to show symptoms of ailment from the herbs he noted the reactions and tried to vital force his healing. This ‘proven’ theory made the case for over 2,000 remedies of medication. The medication is diluted with substances either water, salt, chloride, or vinegar. The element is bringing the trait down to the lowest level form to let the body re-energies and heal itself. Like cure like, is the body wants to h

Homeopathic Theory


Kip Magee

Discussion Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a theory were element of strong material that is harmful to a person or animal and if you administrate medical care to treat the cause you can take the induce of large dose of substance, that it could kill you. But if you use smaller minute dose of diluted element it can help heal from the disease.

Hippocrates, during the fifth century B.C., first articulated the concept that substances that, when taken in large doses produce disease symptoms, will cure those same diseases when smaller doses used in diluted form could cure them. “Like cures like.” Known as the Law of Similar.

It works like this; a system can be targeted by a substance and create an ill effect if taken a large dose. Dr. Hahnemann noted that if less taken of a substance the illness would subside. And taken more it would come back again. This treatment was used in contagions like Cholera and Malaria.

An example of when a snake bit you and you use a snake venom kit to treat the victim. This is like the principle of homeopathy treatment.

The way it’s remedied is that the medicine is diluted either with water, vinegar, or salt. And is taken in low dosage to make the body defense against infectious disease.

Larry Trivieri Jr.;The American Holistic Medical Association. The American Holistic Medical Association Guide to Holistic Health: Healing Therapies for Optimal Wellness (p. 275). Kindle Edition.