Monday, April 23, 2018

Kip A. Magee
Great Basin College
3, April 2018
Droughts of the Western Nevada Civilizations

What is the status of drought in Nevada? What risk does drought pose for our communities and ecosystems that we depend on? How do climate change projections impact the risks posed by drought in our state?

evada droughts conditions are due to extremely abnormal lengthy period without any precipitation. In 2015 it was the most extreme drought period in the Nevada region history in quite some time. But the current state of Nevada drought is still dry but coming around in 2017, which prove to be better with precipitation moisture creating much need rain. With the very much need rain in the valley it left Nevada with many of hazards’ condition. The long -term period of warmth precipitation climate made the condition less excepted to the wet condition. Thus, creating extreme flooding areas endangering livestock and highway roads condition. The flooding from the drought created a different environment for the wild life and farmer livestock. The vegetation for the livestock crops were loss due to the flooding change in the soil, the much need nutrients loss from the fast down pour of rain. having the change in environment, the range fires damage much of the refuge for Nevada. The fires on the range where wild life feed was engulfed and made grazing difficult for wild burros, horses, and game. This drought period made hazardous practices for ranchers and national parks. Grazing became scares, making the food source less, it is having the effect of the living environment. Animals in the wild would have to travel out of there normal to feed, making habitation dangerous. As we learn from ranchers back east if the water wasn’t available to grazes cattle move the heard. So, Nevada rancher would ship its cattle back east to feed them, but the prices became inflated causing rancher to keep there cattle out of State.  Many farmers were counting on the Sierra Mountains snow melt to run off and help with the agriculture environment. But, due to the difference of land region the water was used immediately making the drought still affective in prohibiting farming. The Nevada State Climate Office are in constant survey in developing practice to prevent drought management theory. “NSCO has a number of research projects aimed at developing a better understanding of the frequency and magnitude of previous short-and long -term droughts, why they have occurred, and how our modern water resource infrastructure would respond to some of the longer-term megadrought conditions that we know happened in the past.” (Elliott 2014). We are still in the state of abnormally dry climate but the precipitation has drop more since 2015 and the loss of corps has reached a large some. “According to a report released Aug 18 by researchers from University of California, Davis, drought-related agricultural losses across the Golden State in 2015 alone totaled more than $1.8billion.” (DeLong 2015). The Nevada Drought Strategic Plan has 4 goals and funding strategies. Its intention is to monitor water by creating a multidisciplinary advisory board. Provide public awareness to educate on the droughts. To be informative on the growth and population of Nevada in relating with droughts. Taskforce will assistants with information to farmers and rancher and industries. To also be resilient with drought information about wild life and livestock. The Drought Response Committee (DRC) will work with primary state agencies, federal agencies and stakeholder on an “in kind” basis. To provide investigative and federal aid, state funding will be an issue and lobby the legislative session. (Elliott 2014)

Jeff DeLong 2015. “Growing problem: Drought hits Nevada agriculture hard.” Web Internet April 4, 2018

Bill Elliott 2014. “Nevada Drought Strategic Plan, A map for a more drought resilient Nevada.” State of Nevada Drought Response Committee. Nevada Division of Water Resources: Nevada Division of Emergency Management: Nevada State Climate Office. Internet April 6, 2018.

Kirk Siegler 2014. “Nevada Farmers Hack The Drought By Switching Up The Crops.” NPR Station. Web internet April 6,2018

This is my presentation of Hurricane Irma and how it devastated Puerto Rico and Florida.