Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Kip A. Magee
Megan Collins
Great Basin College
Mount St. Helens Eruptions

I will examine the volcano eruption that struck in May 1980 of the Washington State, Mt St Helen. I will try to show the disruption that was caused by the volcano eruption on the economy and civilization. What trigger the massive eruption of Mount St. Helens violent rage. For my final report I will present the livelihood of the neighboring people and what aid was brought to the community.


Mount St Helen eruption was trigger from a 5.0 + earthquake beneath the surface releasing a massive volcano eruption. The eruption sending a large plume of ashes miles into the atmosphere causing traces of debris from Washington State all along the West Costal area. I recall the day when Mt. St Helen erupted, the ashes covered the sky of Los Angeles and it call for schools to be cancel, because of bad health hazards. The eruption of Mount St. Helen disrupted air visibility causing flights to be cancel and rerouted.
“Ash clouds from Mount St. Helens move over Ephrata airport in Washington on Monday, May 19, 1980. Communities across central and eastern Washington were covered in 3-5 inches of gritty, fine, ash particles. (Taylor 2015).
Ecological damage that was caused with rivers over-flooding and ranches begin destroyed. The 1980 eruption melt snow caps bring timber down into the civilizes area. Mt. St. Helen erupted twice in the 1980 each time sending miles of smoking ashes into the sky. “On March 27, after hundreds of additional earthquakes, the volcano produced its first eruption in over 100 years.” (USGS Mount St. Helens 1980). Mount St. Helen caused avalanches and mudslides along the mountainous area. This slow down the western ranges changing the face of supplies and delivery of agriculture. “Ash from Mount St. Helens has fallen over a diverse agricultural area, with deposits of up to 30 kilograms per square meter. Crop losses in eastern Washington are estimated at about $100 million in 1980-about 7 percent of the normal crop value in the affected area and less than was expected initially.” (Cook, Barron, Papendick, Williams 1981). The development of timber was the salvage plants is the most devastated by the eruption and agriculture wasn’t that badly damaged. The nontoxic of the ash wasn’t affected toward the animal livestock. The “long-term losses to the Columbia River fishery as a result of the eruptions are not know, but is believed that such losses will be small.”  (Burket, Burlow, Golding, Grant, Lipovsky, Lope, 1980).

Stephen Burket. Edward Furlow. Paul Golding. Lowell Grant. William Lipovsky. Thomas Lopp.
“The Economic Effects of the Eruptions of Nt. St. Helens.” USITC Publication 1096. September 1980. Washington, D.C. 20436.

Cook RJ. Barron JC. Papendick RI. Williams GJ III. “Impact on agriculture of the mount St. Helens eruptions.” Science 1981. Jan 2. Http://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov/pubmed/17731222, March 5, 2018.

Volcano Hazards Program. “Mount St. Helens.” USGS: Volcano Hazards program CVO Mount St. Helens. 1980. Internet March 5, 2018.

Kip Magee
Great Basin College
Fukushima Disaster of Japan
February 22, 2018

I will examine the disaster of the tsunami that hit Japan in March 11, 2011 from a major earthquake that registered at a 9.0 magnitude on the coastal region. That earthquake affected the coastal preservation of the Tokyo Electric Power Plant a Nuclear Industry of Fukushima Dailchi. The precaution the Japanese government did into protecting and to save livelihood of the community with its levels of radiation which call for the evacuation of over a 100,000 people. We will also take a look at the development of what it might cost for rebuilding and clean-up operation.

What had transpired on March 11, 2011 was an epic disaster for Japan and its people. The magnitude 9.0 earthquake devastated the coastal area just about 2:46 pm. The region development was swept with a powerful backlash from the seafloor quake causing a 560sq km tsunami. “The earthquake was centred 130 km offshore the city of Sendai in Miyagi prefecture on the eastern cost of Honshu Island (the main part of Japan), and was a rare and complex double quake giving a severe duration of about 3 minutes.” (Fukushima Accident October 2017).
Image result for FukushimaThe death toll stands at about 19,000 people and over million building destroyed. (Fukushima Accident October 2017).  One main destruction that endanger the inhabitant was the Electric Power Plant that utilizes nuclear fuel at the Fukushima Dailchi. The area of Fukushima institutes instilled 11 Nuclear reactors which 4 played in a critical role in why the evacuations need to be done of over 100,000 people. The plant core rods need water to keep them cool; but in reactor four, the ventilation wasn’t working causing drying out of the ponds. The complication of the tsunami mixing salt water with fresh water wasn’t the major concern of the rods over heating, but it still left Tepco Corporation very concern. In the course of Reactor 1 – 3 nuclear core failing the Japanese government implement a level 7 emergency warning which is as high as Chernobyl accident in Russia in 1986, which “the resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into the atmosphere and downwind.” (World Nuclear News (updated November 2016)). With radioactive ions particles in the air evacuation precautions was issue and planning phases. Sections of the city where moved 20 km away from the nuclear site and the employee of Fukushima Dailchi was not permitted to stay at the living quarter. “Tepco sprayed a dust-suppressing polymer resin around the plant to ensure that fallout for Mid-March was not mobilized by wind or rain.” (Fukushima Accident. Updated November 2017). The government housed many of the evacuee in gymnasium rooms where the safety of the people was deplorable. “Tepco had checked the radiation exposure of 19,594 people who had worked on the site since 11 March.” (Fukushima Accident 2017). Many of the workers was checked positive of iodine-131 fumes. There were 81,000 evacuees able to return to some of the areas and many of them with server stress which was more important than the radiological hazards. “There were also 267,000 tsunami survivor refugees remaining displaced in February 2014.” (Fukushima Accident 2017). The government consider purchasing the land that is severally contaminated with radiation and people that need more time to decontaminate their property the move-back will continue to be housed. The government did all that they could to overcome the natural disaster of the earthquake that struck Japan in 2011 and for the most case Tepco reported that no one dies from radiation poisoning because of the evacuation procedure but the great force of the tsunami did take a lot of the coastal life of Japan. Shipping had to be re-establish and overseas shipping orders had to be put on hold until the docks was redeveloped. For Fukushima scientist came over from the United States to help with re-establishing the safety of the nuclear power plant. The radiation contamination in the water was lead to be absorbed; some escape out into the ocean and reactor 1-4 was stabilized. Because of this event that took place it’s unlikely that we should see an event like this for some time again.    

Hunziker. R 2015. “The Safety Culture of Nuclear Power.” Image. The Ohio State University. February 2018

Chernobyl Accident 1986, World Nuclear Association, 2016, 2017,2018. Webpage: http://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/safety-and-security/safety-of-plants/chernobyl-accident.aspx. February 28, 2018

Fukushima Accident. “World Nuclear Association.” 2016, 2017, 2018. Webpage: http://www.world-nuclear.org/information-library/safety-and-security/safety-of-plants/fukushima-accident.aspx. February 28, 2018

Kip Magee
Megan Collins
INT 369 Natural Disasters
February 15, 2018
The Effect of Haiti Earthquake
During the earthquake of January 12th, 2010 that hit the inhabitants of Haiti, just off the Port of Prince it measured at and 7.0 magnitude on the Richter scale. The earthquake devastated the island southeast of Florida, “It was estimated that 220,000 [people] died, more than 300,000 were wounded and more than half a million lost their homes.” (Lichtenberger M.D., et al 2010).
The Natives of Haiti’s were more devastated with the prolonging for help and the medical needs. The aid came with slow results by the Israel Defenses Forces (IDF) and the University of Miami Hospital in Haiti. (UMHH). The slow result were due to unfamiliar with the region. The area of Haiti’s is by far the less developed regional of island civilization of the tropical. Home dwellings were made up of cement wall that was not design to with stand earthquake are with a structural code standard. When the earthquake hit in the late night more people were in there beds sleep. “The house came crashing down on me. When I was knocked off my feet, I was with my child. When I looked for my other daughter, who was pregnant, I didn’t know what was going on.” (Schuller. 2011). This was the common scenario that happen in Haiti. People just lost contact with family relatives and confusion amongst everyone.
Nevertheless medical provision was set up to treat the wounded with UMHH and IDF that housed much needed beds facility. In the event of catastrophic happening the safety of the population was becoming questionable. Violent rapes began to happen and local police knew that the inmates of the prisons had escaped to the refugee camps. These camps was not protected and just made up of make shift canopy tents.
“The statistic of rape and violence against women have become alarming, a result of this close proximity, a lack of privacy, and ineffective response. Women’s organization KOFAVIV (Commission of Women Victims for Victims) reported 230 incidences of rape in 15 camps. Medecins Sans Frontieres reported 68 cases of rape in one of their clinics in April.” (Schuller .2011).
The rampart violent was to no concern to the police and what security the UMHH offer was to the medical patients.  The women activists organized lead efforts to stop the violent. The women leaders of the camp area offer up guidance and security measure to protect the women of Haiti. With songs and dances the tribal leaders looked towards harmony to create and tranquility with the victims and aggressor. This helped with the incident of violent against rape victims and change the atmosphere of the village. “You know in Haiti, folklore is a big deal. The drum is the sign of music and the sign of happiness that allows people to relax. When you beat it, ‘peem, peem, peem’ everybody dances. Even if you have problems, you dances.”(Mark Schuller, 2011).  In the Peom of the Day: by Bill Collins’s “The Dead”, I interpret, that in the path of life that we all take it might be one big event that happens…but we all have a path. “The dead are always looking down on us, they say, while we are putting on our shoes or making a sandwich, they are looking down through the glass bottom boats of heave as they row themselves slowly through eternity.” (Billy Collins’s, 2014).

Resources cited
Mark Schuller. 2011 “They Forgot about Us!” Gender and Haiti’s IDP Camps, Interview and Translation. Indiana University Press. Vol. 11. No. 1 (2011). Pp 149-157., www.jstor.org. 8/27/12

Paola Lichtenberger M.D., Ian Miskin M.D., Gordon Dickinson, M.D. Mitchell Schwaber M.D. , Omer E. Ankol M.D., MPH, MOccH Marcus Zervos. M.D.,  Rafael Campo, M.D., Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, M.D., Mark Alain Dery, D.O., MPH L. Silvia Munoz-Price. M.D. “Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,” Vol. 31. No. 9 (September 2010). PP. 951-957. The University of Chicago Press. www.jstor.org. 3/6/2013.

Billy Collins.2014, “The Dead.” GW English News. April 12, 2014 http://gwenglish.bloghspot.com 2014. February 26, 2018

Kip Magee
Megan Collins
INT 369
February 2, 2018
Communicating Natural Disasters
In the age of social media, we tented to expected to have the latest broadcast of the weather events. The risk of knowing how the weather may be when traveling is some of the things that we look towards with the news feed, this is the precaution we need to know. I received Emergency Alerts though my phone and if there’s a Severe Dust Strom Warning it would say Avoid travel. Check local media. Also during emergencies, we get the Emergency Alerts System through local T.V. networking stations alerting us to Severe Wind and Dust alert here in Pahrump.
My Facebook social media is one good channel for events of epic proportions. When Irma hit Puerto Rico the events was catastrophic in its magnitude. The Mayor was proclaiming Statehood and immediate action. She stresses that the people of United States of America are being denied equal treatment to health and medical aid. FEMA covered areas of Puerto Rico that news channel did not considered. An agency spokesman for FEMA Mr. Booher, said “This aid is not stopping,” [interview]. “There was no, and is no, current plan to stop providing these commodities, as long as there continues to be an identified need for them.” (Patricia Mazzei 2018).

Twitter in the NBCNews: National Weather Services, show massive air flow through the Santa Ana’s in Los Angeles. “Water vapor satellite shows dry air mass (in orange) from Nevada combining with Santa Ana Winds in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties by Thurday.” (Maximiliano Valdes 2017) During the Severe Fire last year Twitter was keeping records of places that had Red Flag Warnings. These commodities aid in local and States disasters that goes on and tell of aid help station in your area. Even though electricity isn’t always available in serve area, warning does come from NOAA communication which I prefer, because of the stead stream of information.

Patricia Mazzei 2018 “A FEMA Error Drove Fears That Food and Water Aid to Puerto Rico Was Ending. It’s Not.” The New York Times [Internet]. [cited Feb, 1 2018];

Maximiliano Valdes, 2017 “NBC News @NBCNews” National Weather Service. [Twitter Internet]. [cited Feb, 1 2018];

Hurricane Harvey Safety Precaution:
Prepared by, Kip Magee
7 March, 2018

For the Metropolitan area and rural county of Houston, Texas. Be advised that there is a category 4 Hurricane in South by Northeast of the Gulf of Mexico. This Alert is to information that residents need to gather necessary supplies and provisions. Do to the severe nature of this storm please take to higher ground and evacuate the coastal areas. This is a national weather advisory alert that a category 4 is moving thought the Houston, Texas area and winds up to 130 miles per hour will hit the gulf coast. Be prepare to be without power for several days because power lines will be down due to high winds
·         For your safety people should have two gallons of water for every person and hand sanitizer.
·         Keep NOAA radio station with alert broadcasting and supply of batteries.
·         Have plenty of saltines and preservatives for the duration of 7 days.
·         Have plenty of gas if travel out of State for evacuation procedure.
·         Have flashlights and candles, with matches.
·         Have plenty of blankets and coats for the long nights.  

Be advise that this area will be hit with a category force winds of 130 miles per hour and heavy rain. Stay advised that some area will flood due to rain precipitation. Once the storm hit be advised to stay in place for your safety.

Hurricane Harvey at its pike!
Internet image. 7 March, 2018


Rivers have crested, and levies have broken, and the bridges are completely underwater. We are looking at a server category 4 storm that has the full force of the Atlantic Ocean. The storm is bringing the coastal area to sub marginal development.  The winds and the Ocean are funneling though the Houston Area.

Relief efforts by local Red Cross.

Red Cross National efforts are being made to help with relief with funds and water, housing and food. The Red Cross agency is setting up community relief sights to help with food and clothing.  The Red Cross is suppling to need family’s and individuals with medical aid and resources.

Ruth Johnson and Creston Callis, a US Army Veteran, speak with a Red Cross worker
For relief of Hurricane Harvey please contact 2-1-1 for new resources.
Are visit your local weather aid station in your community.

Resource Work Cited
Benjamin Kentish 2017. “Waves could be seen rolling across the I-10 highway Logan Wheat.” Image. Internet 7 March 2018

Red Cross September 2017. Photo Image. Volunteer aid center. Internet 7 March 2018