Thursday, May 25, 2023

Healing Touch Modality


Kip Magee

Class Discussion. Modality

The Healing Touch therapy is one of my interests, I think is in the field technique that shows results. Used mostly by nurses, R.N. Janet Mentgen tries to restore the body’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance in the bioenergy modality technique. There are four levels of Therapeutic Touch methods that can be used. This therapy was developed in 1981.

The technique was adopted by American Holistic Nurses Association in 1989. The Healing Touch results relax patient and reduce pain.

Healing Science has been around since 1978 the field is used for patients of all ages for personal healing and growth.


Larry Trivieri Jr.;The American Holistic Medical Association. The American Holistic Medical Association Guide to Holistic Health: Healing Therapies for Optimal Wellness (p. 235). Kindle Edition.

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