Sunday, March 19, 2017

Great Basin College is were I study and also work. My duties consist of being a leader with the facilitators, and Lab Aid which the duties are to help in technical issues were I can. I can help with Microsoft's programs if the students have problems. Most of the duties deal  with trouble shooting minor issues. I like to use my computer talents but its a limit to what I do. I like to do my internship with the college but all the positions are on the larger campus.

1 comment:

  1. Kip,

    I admire your honesty and that you have taken on the computer sciences, which I have not been able to tackle in slightest way. Reading your blog and seeing how well put together it is just reminds me that keeping up with new technology is very important as things are changing so rapidly and keeping up is the difference between making your life comfortable or alot easier. The layout of your page is very unique and shows your ability to navigate through this easily.
