Saturday, March 4, 2023

Chiropractor Medical treatment

Kip Magee


Thank you for the question, Professor Davis,

I am familiar with the care of Chiropractor medical treatment. I have a family member with an injury to their back. Part of their care was to see a Chiropractor for medically evaluated before a medical claim had to be filed. We all know someone with a bad back are low extremity problem.  

I met many of people who was receiving Chiropractic therapy treatment. But also, I have met a lot of people who confide in me that they would be needing medical care for their back.

In my family member the damage to their back had to be emotionally targeted to cure the responsive area. This was to lessen that pain regiment they were experiencing. The physically and emotional pain they were having they were being over medicated basically causing an addiction.

With the change in diet and treatment they lessen the prescribed medication and became able to preform daily duties. I think Holistic Medicine made a giant step forward to the care of their patient with this one. Chiropractic Medicine help curve back aliment in many people who in other words would be suffering from degenerative back problems. 

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