Monday, April 3, 2023

Botanical Medicine Holistic Herbs.


Kip Magee

Discussion 6 Botanical Medicine.

 "Given a need to know how herbs affect health, students will explain the connection between botanical medicine, herbs, and health."  

Over the year of Herbal medicine, it has showed an increase in usage and in revenue. The medical use of Herbs may be used for all types of ailments. Herbs has an Eastern orient foundation and also a western tradition.

“In 1991 approximately 3 percent of U.S. consumers purchased medical herbs. By 1998 it has increased to 37 percent.  The use of Herbs with prescribed drugs scared many patients and should consult their physician if taking unknown herbs.

Medical term for Indigenous people doctors is Sharman. Sharman has trained apprenticeship to select students to carry on the tradition.

For Medical purpose the psychotropic plants in order to perfect their understanding of how and when herbs should be used.

The herbs medicine must be dry out. The indigenous people have relied on herbs and other plants as a primary form of medicine, and the word; Drug, came from the word drogge…meaning “To dry.”

Dr. Morris recommends that people on medication consult with their physician to ensure against possible interaction “Most herbs are very safe, but there are a handful that you need to be cautious with.”

Botanists from other developing Countries have worked directly with Shamans from around the world to catalog ten of thousands of plants.

Between 1983-1994 at least 40 percent of all new drugs were derived from plants products, including antibiotics.

One-third of all new cancer drugs are derived from plants sources. Herbs and herbal remedies are now available in the U.S. retail stores.



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