Monday, April 3, 2023

Mind Over Matter: Book of Tao


Kip Magee…………………………………………………


Tao Mind over Matter

What is your response to this information about our second brain? In my experience this gut feeling is a 6 since. The energy connectivity in the story play and important dialog to what we are actually experiencing and feeling. How is the second brain linked to our emotions?  One cannot just read minds, but resonance the person enter emotion. In the story Kohanov experience “Equus frequency” but it was clairsentience ability What implications does this have for treating emotional and mental issues? The Enteric nervous system as a complex integrative brain in its own right. Makes an awareness directly connected to the body that are normally kept subconscious or unconscious.

Kohanov takes the information about the second brain one step further and says, "I believe that one of the ways the autonomic nervous system interacts with the outside world is through resonance.  Horses, who have much larger and more sensitive guts than humans, arguably have a much larger brain in their bowels - and more resonant surfaces with which to detect nuances of information." What does she mean by resonance? In animals the body plays and important part in the safety of an animal. It senses the things around them, nature other animals the equus frequency of things so to speak. How might the resonance in our second gut help us? We may find safe information in what we feel. If it’s right for us are body tells us so. The 6 senses, the feeling of entity A meeting entity B in what tells how things interacted.

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