Monday, April 3, 2023

The Living Matix: Holistic Medicine


Kip Magee

The Living Matrix Discussion.  

1)We hear the discussion of how bioenergy is being present quantum physic of a person body.  The body omits an energy field around the body creating the temporal field. If you take a magnet and watch its ions field it is just as the aura of magnetic field of the body. Science can’t explain this but physic except this molecule structure. 

2)The heart in this segment does show energy fields that it cells tells the mind what its thinking and then the body. This system let us know that the heart energy field creates emotion thoughts to the mind, body, and spirit. This is a form of modality of clairsentience state. 

What really didn’t resonate with me was that if you’re a cancer patient and you mentally telling the cancer to go away and heal itself. I find that unrealistic or the patient is wearing a cast and potential can loss her leg. But she claims that by mental thing the nervous system operates her leg was saved. Just my prospective.

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