Monday, April 3, 2023

Osteopathy Medicine Holistic Theraphy.

Kip Magee……………………………………………..

Class Discussion

Osteopathy Medicine 

What do you think about the history of osteopathic medicine? 1) I think that when osteopathy theorizes began it was turmoil. The age of osteopathy medicine became cases of disasters. A physician in the field had a hard time in publication of their finding to pass on to follow physician’s. When Andrew Taylor set forth the philosophy and sciences for physician… when Andrew Still tried his hand in the field at the pike of the meningitis epidemic, he lost 4 of his family members by his own doctoring.


How do you feel about the fact that the osteopathic movement was often ridiculed and sidelined by mainstream medicine? In the movement of osteopathic medicine treating a patient I feel that it would’ve taken time to stabilize the actual remedies. But with medical advancement it could be well prescribed. In treating existing conditions or even gene trait condition.


 Why do you think this seems to happen sometimes with alternative therapies? In the treatment of alternative medicine were examining eastern society medicine and the treatment of the way their therapy work. Alternative medicine works along with the body theory for the fix if you’re massage and acupuncture remedies. But where looking for long term care resolvent.


 Can our society learn to balance a healthy skepticism with an open mind when it comes to learning about alternative therapies?  If your use to the technique and the philosophy of the orients, you’ll get use to the treatment of how the body reacts. How? Because of the centuries of medicine rituals, the alternative treatment people would still use in their therapy today. What are the dangers of being too closed off to alternative ways of thinking about healing?  The condition can come back, and the treatment don’t work to heal the body. What are the dangers of being too open? You can get treated with bad therapy and dangerous diagnosis.  Where do you stand on the spectrum? I’ll tread lightly on the matter, but I do use occasional therapy.

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